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Store for professionals Retail store
Neoderm Korea MJ Skin Chiny Clarena współpraca

The visit of our Partners from China and South Korea


The uniqueness of our products and services is becoming increasingly popular in Asian countries. This resulted, among others, in a meeting with the Partners from China – MJ Skin and South Korea – Neoderm in our headquarters. Our guests were introduced by Clarena experts to the company, where they became acquainted with the new products and had a chance for participating in a series of trainings. It was also a great opportunity to discuss the expected beauty market development. The visitors were greatly impressed by the Clarena’s diversified portfolio, by the way, our company works and by the professional level of trainings. This is why they announced their intention to meet us again in Wilczyce before the end of this year, which we are very pleased with.

We wish our Partners a lot of success in every field.

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